Photo: Sahar Khosravi

Under the pseudonym Brad 0deth, Théo Bédard makes illustrations and caricatures, often for the press. The French artist exchanged France for Brussels a few years ago. He sees his sketchbook mainly as an important starting point to further develop ideas for commissions. ‘I mainly want to cause a visual shock with my work’.

Brad: ‘I'm Brad Odeth, an illustrator and cartoonist, I regularly work for the press. I'm not a cartoonist, so my drawings don't necessarily have to be funny. I like to be transparent in my illustrations: if a subject is not, I also don't feel the need to come up with a humorous illustration to go with it. With my work, I mainly want to create a visual shock that brings out a clear opinion.

I often combine different techniques in my work. I don't want to limit myself to one graphic style. I am curious and always looking for ways to come up with new ideas through experimentation.'

How does your sketchbook help you develop and refine your personal illustration style?

Brad: ‘I use a sketchbook as a base material for all my projects. The main reason I choose a sketchbook is that it is affordable and the paper is good enough for different techniques. I do not need high-quality paper or specific sizes in my practice unless it is for a very specific project. With the possibilities offered by digitising, I can adjust the dimensions of my drawing as I like.'

Photo: Sahar Khosravi

How often do you sketch and how important is it to your creative process?

Brad: ‘My illustrations and comics start from ideas I developed in my sketchbook. For me, sketching is an essential part of the production process. When I work in my sketchbook, I am developing a specific project. Any drawing, even the ‘bad’ ones, can find a place in an illustration or comic book.'

What are your favourite tools or materials in your sketchbook?

Brad: ‘I usually use the tools and materials needed for the project I'm working on, so I don't have a set tool for my work. I do like to use charcoal if it suits the illustration.'

Photo: Sahar Khosravi
Photo: Sahar Khosravi

Brad 0deth

Has a studio in Brussels.
Studied at the Ecole Nationale Supérieur d'Art de Bourges.
Works for several magazines.